
Take the next step in your career

We know it’s stressful looking for a new role.  So to make the process easier, we’re here to support you every step of the way.  From defining your job search and formatting your CV, through to tailored career advice and preparing for the big interview, we’ll give you all the tools you need to help land your dream job.

To help us define your next career move, we’ll arrange an in-depth discovery call to find out more about you, your experience and what you’re looking for in your new role.  Once we have everything we need, we’ll add you to our talent pool and share any available roles that tick all the boxes.


Your career. Our advice.

Our support doesn’t stop with the interview preparation.  Instead, we take the time to explain key industry trends, insights relevant to your role and the value of your skillset in the current market.  It’s one of the reasons we have such a high success rate with our candidates – and one of the reasons why they prefer us to other recruiters.

Serious about confidentiality

We treat your applications with the utmost confidentiality and will never share your details without your prior written agreement.

Please contact us to discuss your registration, or alternatively give us a call on 01273 774738

Online timesheets for contractors

Our online timesheet has been developed to make tracking your hours as easy as possible. Accessed securely by us, our clients and contractors, it ensures that all hours are tracked and signed off with as little hassle as possible.

contact us to register


Contact us

+ 44 (0) 1273 774738

Unit 40,

Newhaven Enterprise Centre,

Denton Island,


East Sussex,